The Best Hair Brush For Your Hair Type

Most of us should not really consider buying a hairbrush. Hairbrush is not the same size for the hair type , you should find the right for you. The right choice of hair brush will help you hair health and overall style differences. Hairbrush Type: Used for straightening and drying hairbrushes Paddle brush (or flat brush), designed to help create medium-length hair outside the light. Typically it has nylon bristles and is used in conjunction with a blower to dry larger areas and produce a flat, smooth surface. To achieve a smooth appearance, hold the bristles of the paddle brush upwards and instruct the blower to point to the hair to smooth the stratum corneum. Hairstyles create volumes and curls Round brushes differ in size and should be selected according to the look you want to achieve. If you have short hair or bangs, choose a small brush. For volume, select a larger barrel brush A hairbrush for supporting updos and adding height A teasing brush is a thin brush with nyl...